Monday, May 25, 2009


Spot Relationships and Analyze Trends in Tabular Data

TableLens is an advanced way to visualize large amounts of tabular data. Borrowing from the spreadsheet model but taking it light-years further, TableLens displays record-oriented data in columns and rows, showing up to 1,000 rows and 50 columns – without scrollbars and without obscuring any data – and filling the cells with scaled and colored horizontal bars.

Using column sorting, grouping, and spotlighting, you can easily identify trends, correlations, and outliers. You can also use TableLens as a presentation and reporting tool.
Sample Uses

Sample uses for TableLens include:

* Viewing financial portfolio characteristics or stock characteristics for many portfolios at the same time
* Investigating crime and epidemic patterns
* Correlating adverse effects, efficacy by genomic component, and other pharmaceutical data


TableLens features enable you to:

* Leverage existing applications – Easily integrate TableLens into a wide variety of applications.
* Clearly view data – Show up to 1,000 rows and 50 columns without scrollbars and without obscuring any data points.
* Explore data
o Sort by clicking on columns.
o Rearrange columns by dragging-and-dropping.
o Promote columns to create subgroups.
o Focus by clicking on a cell or by clicking and dragging to focus a whole row or multiple rows.
o Filter subsets to create smaller, more specific datasets.
o Spotlight data (rows and columns) to track particular information as you sort.

Technical Details

Version: 3.1 Product Editions: TableLens SDK for Java or .NET, Also available in VizServer License Model: User-based.
System Requirements

Java API (Version 3.1): Pentium or higher (or Mac/UNIX/etc. equivalent), 133 MHz or faster. At least 32 MB RAM. Java compiler compatible with JDK 1.1 or 1.4. .NET Control API: Pentium or higher, 133 MHz or faster. At least 32 MB RAM. Windows 2000, 2003. Any development environment compatible with .NET Supported Operating Systems and Compilers: Solaris 8, 9 with GNU C++2.95.2 Windows 2000, 2003, XP (latest service packs only) with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 RedHat Linux ES 3.2 on Intel with GNU C++2.95.2

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